Christinas hälsningsmedelande
Keeps Gettin' Better (Official Video)
Ny keeps getting better bild
Ny Keeps getting better promoshoot bild :)
Bilder från KGB videon

Om det kommer HQ bilder laddar jag givetvis upp det :) Gillar bäst bilderna när hon sitter i bilen med blått hår :D
Vad tycker du ?
Keeps getting better musik videon, äntligen här !!!!
Höj upp volymen och njut :D
Christinas video släpps på ikväll !
International superstar Christina Aguilera and leading social music discovery service iLike announced that the first music video ("Keeps Gettin' Better") from Christina Aguilera's highly anticipated, first-ever Greatest Hits album, Keeps Gettin' Better - A Decade of Hits, will world premiere on iLike and iLike's Facebook® app this afternoon (October 27), two weeks before the album becomes exclusively available at Target and (on November 11). This is the first time a major artist has premiered a new music video and teaser clips exclusively on iLike.
Christina Aguilera's "Keeps Gettin' Better" video was filmed in Los Angeles and directed by acclaimed feature filmmaker Peter Berg ("Hancock"). In the video, Christina travels through time and fashion in an homage to her ten year career.
"I really enjoyed making the video for ‘Keeps Gettin' Better,'" said Christina Aguilera. "Being an artist who likes to play around with different looks, it was a lot of fun to portray various characters within the same shoot.""Christina is a cutting-edge superstar who has always embraced new technology," said Tom Corson, EVP/GM RCA Music Group. "Joining forces with iLike to premiere the video for ‘Keeps Gettin' Better' is a very exciting part of our launch plan for her greatest hits collection."
"Christina is one of the most successful artists of the past decade," said Ali Partovi, CEO of iLike. "She has consistently demonstrated her enduring relevance and she continues to innovate and do things her own way. For an artist of her caliber to be the first major artist to debut a new music video on iLike is a milestone for us."
One of two brand new tracks on her upcoming Greatest Hits album, "Keeps Gettin' Better" is the first single and was executive-produced by Christina. The song has already entered the Top 15 at Pop radio after only 7 weeks of airplay and has also been featured on iTunes Top Songs chart.
Beginning last Friday (October 24), iLike began premiering one exclusive, behind-the-scenes teaser video clip a day culminating today (October 27) with the video's world premiere. The teaser videos, which all remain available to watch on, feature interviews with Christina Aguilera interspersed with sneak peeks of the final version of her "Keeps Gettin' Better" video.
In addition to being available on and iLike's leading Facebook app, Christina Aguilera's music video and teaser clips will debut through the iLike Sidebar for iTunes (, as well as on iLike's leading apps on Orkut, Bebo and hi5 (the biggest social networks in Latin America and Europe).
To watch Christina Aguilera's "Keeps Gettin' Better" music video beginning this afternoon, go to:
Behind the scenes of Keeps getting better part 3
Premier idag !!
Glöm inte, keeps getting better videon släpps idag, måndag. Lägger upp den på bloggen så fort den släpps - så håll dig uppdaterad :) !!
Fram och baksida till Keeps Gettin’ Better - A Decade of Hits (deluxe edition DVD)

1,Genie In A Bottle
2.What A Girl Wants
3.I Turn To You; Come On Over
7.Ain't No Other Man
10.Genie 2.0
11.Keeps Gettin' Better
13You Are What You Are (Beautiful)
Bonus DVD :
Musikvideos: Genie in a Bottle, What a Girl Wants, I Turn to You, Come on Over, Dirrty; Fighter; Beautiful, Ain't No Other Man; Candyman; Hurt.
+ behind the scenes of keeps gettin better.
Skivan släpps i Sverige den 7e november - man kan för beställa på tex
Lady Gaga pratar i intervju om Christina Aguilera.

Out: One of the things required to gain diva status is a rival. Do you have anyone you'd like to rumble with?
Lady Gaga: So far I haven't really met another female artist that's been able to invade my space. So when they do, I'll be excited.
You'll be ready to throw down? It seems like you can handle myself.
I am who I am. People have already tried to create rivalries between me and a few other artists, but I don't even think of it that way. The minute I take my eye off what I'm doing to check out the bitch next to me, I'm going to slow myself down.
But we have to talk about Christina Aguilera. Lately she's been looking an awful lot like a Lady GaGa knockoff. Is that flattering? Or does Xtina need to step off?
I feel even though yes, [Christina's] VMA performance did resemble my style in some ways, I wouldn't say that she is stealing from me. But it's very flattering to be compared to a superstar, and I love and appreciate how protective my fans are of me. You see, it's not a look - fashion is my life and I have always dressed this way. It's in my blood. I think Christina is great, so was her performance. No enemies here.
Christina stal inte Lady Gagas stil vid wma. Kolla här...
Hon fick insperation från Black Cat ifrån Spiderman.
Video från Abu Dhabi konsärten mm.
Tror det har med stormen att göra, för det värkar som om internettet är lite off. Jaja.
Älskar killen där i början. Soo cute !! Tyvär är ljudet lite dåligt på själva frammträdandet. Men det värkar vara samma mattrial som på Back to basics tour, så om du vill höra mer kan du söka på det. Hoppas ni har det bra// kram Eira
Mer än 15,000 fans var på konsärten
Så avundsjuk på alla.
Såhär säger John Lickrish: "Tonight proved just what an incredible performer Christina is. As the first female super star to perform in Abu Dhabi, she really wowed us all with a great show. It is also a fantastic night for Abu Dhabi and the UAE, and we're looking forward to our next concert already."

Keeps getting better behind the scenes del 2
Längtar tills på måndag då den släpps :)
Om konsärten i Abu Dhabi
"Min son är för mig, min än så länge alldra bästa insats. Och jag är så lycklig över att ha honom. Jag tror att hålla sig kvar i den man är, och vart man kom ifrån är något som är jätte viktigt när man bir mamma. Jag vill dela alla mina upplevelser med honom så att han en dag vet säkert vad som är viktigt för honm. Som kvinna och som artist, är balans nyckelordet" sa christina på presskomferansen i Abu Dhabi
Christina putte mammarollen till sidan när hon stormade 15,000 människor på Abu Dhabi's Emirates Palace Hotel med låtar som Beautiful, Come on Over, Genie in a Bottle, Hurt och såklart Candyman. Den 60 minuters långa konsärten förvånade från början till slut
Källa:Gulf News
Tack Amanda
Christinas skiva släpps sommaren 09 !
Japp, här säger hon det med egna ord, skivan kommer nästa sommar. Kul, kul !!
Keeps Getting Better videon, premier på måndag.
Det är alltså inte lång kvar. Kan ni gissa om jag längtar ?
Såhär stog det:
Be the first to watch behind-the-scenes interviews and sneak peeks of Christina's brand new "Keeps Gettin' Better" video!
Pay a visit to Christina's official profile on iLike, at, this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, to watch 3 exclusive preview clips each day...all leading up to the world premiere of the "Keeps Gettin' Better" video on Monday!
You can also visit NOW to view a set of candid snapshots of Christina, taken during the video's shoot, and stop by Christina's official MySpace page - - to sample the smash single "Keeps Gettin' Better."

Keeps getting better video, behind the scenes
Änkligen ! Nu är det snart här kära vänner. Videon vi länge har väntat på.
Va nästan lite rädd att det inte skulle bli någon video till KGB, men nu minsann. Men ni vet ju vad man säger - den som väntar på något gott väntar aldrig för länge. Men så här ger jag dig videon 'Behind the scenes of Keeps getting better video', bilder plus ikoner :)
Kram // Eira